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Call: 330-848-9104 for Occupational

Mental Health Services
Counseling You Can Trust!
Personal problems do not punch out when people punch in, right? Life doesn’t operate in a vacuum and whatever issues we’re facing at home follow us right onto the shop floor, corporate conference room, school and the community.
People Check Services recognizes this reality and appreciates how much life stressors can end up disrupting a company’s crucial operations: absenteeism, shoddy product, accidents, turnover, employee conflicts, and poor team morale. Also, as employees may be reluctant to tell management about their personal issues, things only get worse and management, often suspecting “something’s up”, is left wondering: what else can we do to help? I really don’t want to fire them…

Mental Health Component
People Check is proud to offer mental health resources through business partner "The Roop Group". We realize not every individual is the same, nor our needs. The Roop Group offers Mental Health services that cater to your specific need.
Mental Health sessions specializing in:
Individual Counseling
Work Place Needs/Disruptions
Drug/Alcohol Counseling
Drug/Alcohol Assessments (DOT & Non)
Company Assistance Program (CAP)
These services are "Self-Pay". We strive to provide self pay services at much lower rates than national averages, while putting you in the driver seat for cost effective options. Stop waiting, and get the assistance you need NOW!

“People Check Services partners with the ROOP GROUP to provide a COMPANY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM, Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) assessments, and other mental health counseling. Mental Health Provider: Margie Roop, LPCC-S; CEAP; SAP has been providing Employee Assistance Program services (EAP) for 20+ years. As a thorough clinical counseling professional, Margie has seen 1000's of individuals within the EAP setting, many mandated for behaviors that could have resulted in termination from employment. Margie applies her skills by providing a comprehensive assessment, recommendations, and short-term counseling (or refer for treatment as in the case of substance abuse issues). Employees/Individuals will return to work & life in a much better place, and the benefit of consulting with Margie to assure success!
Alongside "Employer Services" Margie provides "SELF PAY" counseling services & Drug & Alcohol Assessments. (DOT & NON-DOT) Even with a referral to private practice, appointment availability can leave one waiting weeks to be seen. The Roop Group offers great flexibility and immediate appointment times. STOP WAITING to obtain the immediate assistance you need! Underlying issues can manifest if they are not addressed in a timely manner. Depending on deductible costs with insurance, clients often find "SELF PAY" options more cost-friendly. You have options!
**All Mental Health Services are provided by Margie Roop (The Roop Group) which is a Partner of People Check LLC. Though People Check provides necessary resources, we encourage all businesses and individuals to select services/providers that will suit their mental health needs best.**
**Ask Margie about "Virtual & Phone" services that are available **